On the adventures and training of Cinnamon Snapdragon, a papillon destined for greatness.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fort Funston

On Sunday morning we went to Fort Funston for the first time. It's a former military base on the shores of San Francisco.

Fort Funston

We've only been to the beach a handful of times.

Fort Funston

Dragon enjoys the beach just like he enjoys every opportunity to explore.

Fort Funston

There are cliffs above the water, 100-200 feet up.

Fort Funston

These pictures don't show just how high up we were, unfortunately.

Fort Funston

Tiny Dog doesn't care. He went right up the edge of the cliffs.

Fort Funston

Fort Funston

Fort Funston


  1. I love the third picture from the bottom. He looks so regal standing so perfect with the wind blowing in his hair.

  2. He's beautiful and he knows it!

    (If he were a girl I was going to name him Beyonce!)
