"Dragon was an angel. He never seemed bothered by anything and was very attentive to my wishes. I put him back inside your place."
Good dog! He was even loose in the house for an hour between that text and my coming home, and nothing was chewed up, and Jasper did not seem stressed out by possibly being chased around the entire hour. I don't usually leave him out of his crate when I'm out but it's good to know that (sometimes) he can behave himself.
Since I had a couple dog-free hours between seeing Dragon off and going to work myself, I took a trip to Urban Ore, a center for buying all kinds of used household construction/remodeling stuff. I purchased six cabinet doors, two thin, rectangular wooden boards, three door hinges, nails, a stack of long and thin wooden slats, and PVC. Then I went to OSH to buy more PVC and a foam tube.
This stuff is going to become my low-cost, small-sized agility practice equipment! After I get some paint and sand and one metal tube, I'll be able to turn this stuff into a pause table, wobble board, a-frame, dog-walk, teeter, and jumps! Once again the advantage of Tiny Dog is that his practice equipment can be much smaller and less sturdy compared to competition equipment.
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