On the adventures and training of Cinnamon Snapdragon, a papillon destined for greatness.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fashion show

I didn't think that I would be one of those owners, but then my friend Miki gave me a tiny raincoat for Dragon, and he looked so precious, and I enjoy sewing, so... I made a coat for Dragon to wear.


The cut is not very fancy but I think he looks quite dashing in that print.


And it's reversible! Isn't he handsome?


This was the raincoat from Auntie Miki.


She also gifted a shirt! It says "Punk Barker" over the shoulders, has a little floral swirl pattern, a heart, and a skull and crossbones. He tolerates wearing it.


Reinforcement history was again on my side when taking these pictures. We have been working on his stand-stays recently, and Dragon has also learned that when the camera is pointed at him, I often reward him for holding whatever position he's in. I didn't have to ask him to stand-stay as I was snapping these pictures -- he just held still automatically! And I of course rewarded him between takes. (Though to be honest he was also slightly shut down while wearing the shirt -- note the awkward wide stance and low tail carriage in this picture.)


I think at this point he was thinking "Get that damn camera out of my face!"


"Oh, the torture I have to endure."


"Someone please save me."


Speaking of do-it-yourself, this is the cover I made for his mat. We're working with a theme here.


He likes his mat. Food comes to him when he is on his mat. His mat is a happy, relaxing place.




"Are you done yet?"

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